Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, March 28th

Today we talked about Super Smash Bros, and now we're holding a mini tournament in class. I signed up to play, but I have way too much on my plate right now to even think about playing video games. Besides, I'm a much bigger fan of the N64 version of the game, and play it often with my brothers when I'm home. Melee is too complicated for me, and unfortunately the skills do not translate.

Jon did a presentation on it, and said that Mega Knight was actually seen by the players of the game as being unfair, and should thus be removed from the game entirely. However, the best player in the world, using Diddy Kong, played another really good player using Mega Knight, and actually won, so the rumors were put to rest.

Laura says that she can hear narrative going on in the banter between players, and it's a really unique game in the fact that there is no set narrative in the mulitplayer setting, but emerges brilliantly in the culture of players who use the game. "Remember when I beat you by doing this?" "Remember when this happened?"It's a pretty cool concept.

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